"Worldview training for all the World"
........ Psalm 50:12

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The top 10 articles from Nehemiah Institute

May I Ask?

By: Dan Smithwick

May I Ask?

By: Dan Smithwick

By- Nehemiah Institute, copyright C, 2003

This ten-item questionnaire is offered as a simple but yet "telling picture" of the character of a young man. It is meant primarily to be used by a father when having a 'father-son' talk with a potential son-in-law. A mother in teaching her daughter the kinds of things to look for in a mate could also use it. The person should circle a or b for each question and total at bottom.

1. Do you consider yourself to be a Christian? a- Yes ...... b- No

2. Do you believe heaven and hell are real places? a-Yes ...... b-No

3. Did you attend church last Sunday? a-Yes ...... b-No

4. Did you have any thoughts about God yesterday? a-Yes ...... b-No

5. Have you prayed to Jesus Christ in the past three days? a-Yes ...... b-No

6. Did you pray before the last meal you ate? a-Yes ...... b-No

7. Have you read a Christian book in the past three months? a-Yes ...... b-No

8. What was the context in which you last spoke the
name Christ? a:In Praise...... b:In Vain

9. Which item in hand would make you most uncomfortable
in public? a: Bottle (alcohol) ...... b:Bible

10. Do you have your own Bible? a-Yes ...... b-No

Total selected:

a: _____ b: _____

If a young man cannot truthfully answer at least seven in the "a group," it would mean grave concern should exist about being 'unequally yoked' with your Christian daughter.

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