"Worldview training for all the World"
........ Psalm 50:12

Premier Worldview® Center

The top 10 articles from Nehemiah Institute

"One Generation to go, Then the End"

By: Dan Smithwick

"One Generation to go, Then the End"

By: Dan Smithwick

For the past fifteen years our ministry has been conducting a Christian worldview testing service used by Christian schools, churches, home schoolers and various other Christian ministries. The primary use of the test has been with high school students.

The test, known as the PEERS Test, measures understanding in Politics, Economics, Education, Religion, and Social Issues (PEERS). Results from each category are classified into one of four major worldview philosophies: Christian Theism, Moderate Christian, Secular Humanism, or Socialism.

In the mid nineteen eighties it was common to find Christian youth both in Christian schools and public schools scoring in the Moderate Christian worldview classification. Home school students generally scored 15-20% higher than average from day schools.

However, with nearly each subsequent year of testing, we found the understanding of the Christian worldview by students to be lower than the year before. This trend has continued through year 2000. The only exceptions to the decline were Christian schools that had adopted specific worldview materials in their curriculum. These are primarily schools known as Principle Approach or Classical Christian, and homeschools. I believe students from these schools represent the true remnant and hope for the future, but they represent less than 2% of total students tested.

From 1988 to 2000, average scores of Christian school students dropped by 30.3%. Results of evangelical family students in public schools dropped 36.8% in the same period. Christian students attending public schools now regularly score in the lower half of Secular Humanism and students in typical Christian schools score just below the minimum score to be rated in the Moderate Christian worldview. This is not a pretty picture and raises grave concerns for the future of the Christian church in America.

Many Christians are acutely aware that something is amiss with this generation of youth. Principled values of morality seem non-existent. Now PEERS Testing quantifies this loss of morality and lack of belief in biblical truth. Few are surprised that this is happening in government schools, but it is shocking to most Christians that the trend is the same in Christian schools. It appears that Christian education is little more than baptized public secular education in the majority of typical Christian schools.

The foundations ARE being destroyed; what will the Christians do?

We have established -20.0 as a "Danger Zone" benchmark for PEERS Testing. This is based on test results of individuals responding to ads in the Humanist Magazine and the New Age Magazine for our worldview test. As a group, they scored in the range of -20.0 to -80.0 in all PEERS categories, expressing strong anti-biblical views of life. It is my opinion that a generation of youth from "Christian homes," scoring this low, will surely lead America into a dark age in the subsequent generation.

"All government originates in families, and if neglected there, it will hardly exist in society...The foundation of all free government and of all social order must be laid in families and in the discipline of youth....The education of youth, [is] an employment of more consequence than making laws and preaching the gospel, because it lays the foundation on which both the law and gospel rest for success." Noah Webster

Based on projections using the decline rate for Christian students, the church will have lost her posterity to hard-core Humanism between 2014 and 2018. This is approximately one school generation of youth, 12-16 years. If these projections hold true, it won't be the end of the world, but it will be the end of America as we have known it for over 200 years. One could argue with projections of worldview scores, but the historical data is indisputable. The real question is, What will the church do to reverse this downward trend in Biblical worldview understanding?

Unless we are dealing with the problem of loosing our youth to Humanism and Socialism, does it really matter what else we are fighting?

Anything you can do in your circle of influence to tell the serious need for worldview training, and testing, will be much appreciated. Where would your church youth group score? Where would you score? You may call for a free information packet (1-800-948-3101) or visit our web site to obtain further information on our worldview testing service- http://www.nehemiahinstitute.com.

For a fuller treatment of 'worldview in the classroom,' please order our study, Teacher's, Curriculum, Control: A 'World' of Difference. This pamphlet is by far the most popular of our study reports. Get a copy for you pastor! Call 1-800-948-3101 and ask for TCC; $5.50 Visa or MC.

Or send payment to Nehemiah Institute, 1323 No. 3rd St, Aberdeen, SD 57401 with TCC in memo.

"Come, let us build-" (Nehemiah 2:17)

PS- PEERS Testing update: (November 9, 2001)

Results of several dozen Christian schools tested this fall continue to show the downward trend in biblical worldview understanding by Christian youth. Results are approximately 16% lower than last year. But schools that are using PEERS Testing now know where Humanism/Socialism is impacting their students and are taking corrective action. Please encourage your school/church to do the same.